
Light My Fire

$ 0.52

Availability: 139 in stock
  • X-ray: Not Enabled
  • Language: English
  • File size: 87 KB
  • Word wise: Enabled
  • Print length: 11 pages
  • Screen reader: Supported
  • Text-to-speech: Enabled
  • Publication date: November 24, 2011
  • Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
  • Simultaneous device usage: Unlimited


    Dee had the hots for her sexy firefighter neighbor. Normally, she was self reliant, but the sight of him inspired lustful impulses. Finally, after several long months of stewing in her desire, she gets up the nerve to talk to him. She feigns the inability to light a fire in her hearth and asks for his professional, expert advice. Only, he doesn't buy one word of it. Still, he comes over anyway.,This short story features graphic and explicit depictions of consensual sex. It is intended for only mature and adult readers. ,Excerpt:,Ever since I had a very naughty dream about my neighbor, Eric, I’ve desperately wanted to fuck him. He’s the sort of guy most girls would fling themselves at: tall, muscular arms, strong chin, solid thighs, and the sort of butt you could daydream of spanking hours on end. He especially looks hot in his firefighter outfit, and by that, I don’t mean the bulky suit with an oxygen tank and a respirator. I mean the navy blue pants and blue cotton shirt that hugs his chest. You know, the outfit firemen wear at the station. It seems to barely stretch over his hard body! Eric, basically, could make plain navy blue trousers have sex appeal. Just looking at him, sometimes, makes me giddy and a little breathless. ,Only, I never knew how I could act out my desire for him. I kept it bottled up and repressed. Even then, it didn’t work all the time. Once, I saw him mowing his lawn without his shirt. The sun had tanned his back nicely, and I loved how his sweat beaded on his shoulders. It glistened, and in a way that will sound silly, it seemed to beckon me. I had to clamp my legs together, as I valiantly fought the urge to touch myself.